Zipfel Family Auction
Sunday July 07, 2024 9:30AM
4815 Pontiac Lane, Evansville, Illinois 62242
ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES: Book Case,Jadeite Floor Lamp, Marble Top Dresser (Tear Drop Pulls), Large Wooden Wheel, Flat Top Trunk, 50’s Bedroom Set (Bed, Dresser And Chest of Drawers), Bench Made With Old Wheels, Asst. Chairs, Asst. Youth Chairs, Child’s Rocker, Metal High Chair, Brass Bed, Wooden Step Stools, Bow Back Chairs, Pressed Back Chairs, St. John’s Red Bud Confessional Kneeler, Wooden Wood Box, Western Cartridge Box, Peter’s Victor Wood Box, Air Rifle Shot Box, Wood Root Beer Box, Wood Cigar Box, Straubel’s 5lb. Cheese Box, Graf’s Beverages - Milwaukee Wisconsin Shell Deposit 40 Cents,Ben Miller Hat Co. 1930’s Baseball Schedule, 1966 St. Louis Hawks Glasses, Aprons, Linens, Costume Jewelry, Illinois Whitehall Crock Chicken Waterer And Bottom, Brown Crock Jug, Ovoid Crock Jug, 4 Gal. Crock, 3 Gal. Crock, 5 Gal. Crock Jug, Apple Butter Crocks, Crock Butter (No Lid), Rope Maker, Chalk Sheep, Chalk Pig, Chalk Christ And Lamb, Tins Incl. Starlight Marshmallows, Postmaster Tobacco Tin 2/3 Cents, Shreck Lard Tin, Earle Burns Tobacco Tin, Boker Coffee Tin, George Washington Tobacco Tin, McNess, Ag Thyme And Mustard, New Era Chip, Tiger Chewing Tobacco, Catcher Tobacco Tin, Epsom Salt, Saddle Soap, Half & Half Tobacco And Many More; Asst. Medicine Bottles, Metal 2 Doz. Egg Carton, Purina Certified Pet Advisor Boards, AMC Car Advertising Boards, Asst. Calendars Incl. Purina, Purina Sow To Pig To Cow Book, 2-1933 & 1939 Purina Poultry Guide Book, Purina Caps, Evansville Feed & Supply Mugs, 1925 & 1927 Agricultural Yearbook, De Laval Tin Cow Advertising, Old School Desk, School Desk And Chairs, Old Toy Tractors, Lionel Train Ser W/027 Engine, Child’s Toy Buck Saw, Pr. of Rabbits Tin Sand Toy, Old Mill Sand Toy, Match Box Build A Road Game, Metal Toy Town, Cast Iron Bank, Red Goose Shoes Clicker, Old Whistle, Doll Bed, Croquet Set, Beer Buckets, Cast Iron Kettle w/Stand, Cast Iron Kettle, Kettle Hook, Meat Saw, Gypsy Pot, Wash Tubs, Wash Tub On Stand, 1 Man Cross Cut Saw, Hay Trolley, Hay Forks, Mowing Scythe, Well Pulleys, Wooden Chicken Coops, Egg Baskets, Glass Chicken Waterer And Bottom, Milk Can, Milk Stool, Feed Scoops, Old License Plates, Shoe Last Kits, Coal Shovel, Kerosene Can, Blue Cast Iron Teapot And Large Soup Pot, Slaw Cutter, Lunch Pail, Black Label Beer Cup, Washboard, Copper Wash Boilers, Old Picture Frame, Old Pictures In Frames, German Pictures, Basket, Large Tin Bread Box, Barn Lantern Globes, Coal Oil Lamps, Miniature Oil Lamps, Coffee Jar, Gallon Jars, Blue Canning Jars, Old Kitchen Utensils, Economy Canning Jar, Malt-O-Milk Jar, Milk Bottles And Carrier, Cottage Cheese Jars, Alfred Meakin Creamer, Meakin Sugar, Asst. Ironstone, Depression Glass, Tom’s Cookie Jar, Apple Peeler, Lady And The Menu Coke Tray, Jumbo Peanut Butter Jar, Shirley Temple Creamers, Ruby Flash 1951 Dad, 1951 Home, Forest Green Glassware, Royal Copley Wall Pocket, Sewing Basket, Thread Holder, Roscoe Miscellhorn Book, Cook Books, Wood Trucks, Gunny Sacks, Old Wooden House Shutters, Pie Safe In Pieces.
HOUSEHOLD, TOOLS AND MISC: Maytag Washer And Gas Dryer, Toaster Oven, Convection Oven, Quilt Stands And Frames, Pressed Glass, APCO Pig Cookie Jar, Knick Knacks, Glassware, Craft Items, Christmas Decor, New Strong Panel Tin 10’ & 13”, Wash Vat, Stainless Work Station, Metal Lockers, Long Handle Tools, Dog House, Live Trap, Step Ladder.
Auctioneer’s Note: Should be a fun auction. We may run two rings. Hope to see you there, Col. Dale and crew.
Terms: Cash or good personal check with proper ID. Aunt Nettie’s breakfast and lunch stand.
Owner: Zipfel Family, Evansville,